Skill development, Entrepreneurship, Education and Youth Employment

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The Africa Continental Free Trade Area makes Africa the largest single market in the world after the operationalization of Africa’s single market regime. This feeds into the aspirations of Agenda 2063 and the vision of an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens to guarantee an inclusive and sustainable development. 


Focus attention on the Future of work and the adoption of disruptive technologies through the effective application of Internet of Things (loTs), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data. 


The fourth industrial revolution and the future of the world effectively changes how people work. African youth must begin to acquaint themselves with these emerging trends, new technology, big data and the internet of Things (loTs). 


The covid-19 pandemic is a clear test case of the future of work and evidence of the potency of disruptive technologies. 


Regrettably many countries in Africa have been exposed as grossly bankrupt in technological infrastructure and technical know-how. The Pan African Youth Union advocates for massive investment in technological infrastructure across the continent. 


The goal of the PYU is to educate and train young people to understand the changing trends and the impact of the future of work. 

The PYU design and Scale-up youth advocacy and engagement on Youth, Land and Agricultural development. 


The future of Africa’s youth and economic prosperity is anchored on the judicious and efficient land redistribution regimes, land governance and efficient implementation of land policy with an objective of ending unemployment, conflicts, food security and ultimately improving the quality of life. 


Land is the single most strategic productive resource, key for poverty alleviation and the economic inclusion of youth in Africa. The only way to guarantee sustainable development, economic transformation, ending poverty and eradicating hunger is addressing the issues of inclusion and land ownership.


If this productive resource is well distributed and regulated, PYU will achieve the aspirations of Agenda 2063 and the SDGs and improve the quality of life, lift the majority of Africa out of poverty and deprivation.

The Pan African Youth Union and other youth organizations must play a major role to scale up the implementation of Africa Land Policy Initiative and amplify the voices of young people as the most vital demographic to guarantee the Africa we want.


The Pan African Youth Union goal is to redirect its collective energy to address the challenges of land access, Land tenure systems, Land grabbing, conflicts and mainstream youth as meaningful contributors to formulating a youth sensitive and efficient land policy regime in Africa.

The future of Africa’s prosperity and human security is embedded in a robust Agricultural sector transformation and commercialization. About 60% of the world’s arable land is found in Africa and it has billions of dollars in investment potential which young people must take advantage of.


Africa imports a sustainable amount of our food requirement, even though we possess the majority of the world’s arable lands and a significant proportion of water bodies. Africa cannot achieve any meaningful socio-economic development, without massive investment in Agriculture as an essential driver of economic development. This is an area of great opportunity for young people in Africa to lift themselves out of poverty, hunger and deprivation. 


The Pan African Youth Union goal is to provide both technical and capital support, through a well-coordinated effort to mobilize the various funding sources and development partners available for global agricultural development and poverty alleviation.


Some of the potential Pan African Youth Union partners will include the Africa Union, Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Food Agricultural Organization (FAO), International Land Coalition (ILC) and others. 


About 70% of Africa’s labor force is employed by agriculture, yet Africa has the highest working poverty in the world standing at about 40%. 


Young people will therefore need to be empowered and retooled with logistical, technological and other soft skills to improve the Agric value chain and ultimately contribute meaningfully to build a prosperous and self-sufficient continent. Active youth involvement in Agriculture will ensure food security; create sustainable jobs and an improved quality of life for millions of families. 


Our role as young people is to contribute constructively to address the challenges that confront our continent, and the Pan African Youth Union is committed to lead the ground forces of our youth demographic to discharge this solemn duty. 


We must harness our demographic dividends and liberate our continent. 

Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) offers the continent a great opportunity to optimize our intra-Africa trade and comparative advantage to the benefit of our citizens. The Pan African Youth Union is committed to lead an integrated process of sensitization, education and advocacy to ensure young people understand the AfCFTA regime and the opportunities it offers, while also holding states and leaders accountable for efficient policy harmonization and frameworks.


The Pan African Youth Union intends to engage agencies responsible for the implementation and operationalization of Africa Free Trade and other experts to provide vital technical resources to young people to make them future ready for the opportunities the single market presents. 

The Pan African Youth Union will promote the creation of B2B Platforms as an accelerator for the operationalization of The Africa Continental Free Trade Area and mainstream Youth and Start-ups within the African Trade space.

This will promote the effective application of technology and provide opportunity for young people to optimize the potential of the digital space through the efficient youth, online markets, big data, and other destructive technologies.

The B2B Platform will also facilitate the link between providers and clients and scale up intra-Africa Trade to guarantee youth employability and inclusion within the economic spheres of the continent.