The Pan African Youth Union lead the design, draft and implementation framework of an Africa Youth Peace Charter as a primary youth document to guide youth engagement in peace processes.
This peace charter will be developed as a complementary framework to the silencing the guns program. It will address the agenda 2063 aspirations of creating a conflict-free, peaceful, secured and inclusive Africa. The charter will address the role of young people in:
- Conflict Prevention (including early warning and preventive diplomacy)
- Crisis/conflict management and mediation
- Post-conflict reconstruction and peace building
Strategic security issues (such as illegal flows of Small Arms and Light Weapons) (SALW), Improved Explosive Devices (IEDs), disarmament; counter-terrorsim, illicit financial flows as well as transnational organized crime and cybercrime.
The PYU will undertake comprehensive projects to address the emerging and nagging challenges of Peace and security on the continent.
This project will be tailored along the goal and objectives of silencing the guns consistent with the African Union framework of Peace and security architecture. We will also transform the PYU structures into implementing and operationalizing key components of silencing the guns program.