Pan-Africanism, Regional Integration and African Renaissance agenda

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  • Pan-Africanism, Regional Integration and African Renaissance agenda

The Pan African Youth Union will institute an international Africa Youth Exchange Program as an important step towards Pan Africanism, patriotism and the African renaissance agenda. The program will mobilize and harness youthful energies towards Africa's socio-economic development. 


The PYU will provide a functional platform for young people to acquire hands-on experience, while also contributing their bit to drive continental development. We shall mobilize resources both human, logistical and capital from cooperate Africa, development partners and member states to actively support this drive. 


Volunteers will be categorized according to their area of internet and specialty, i.e. young African Doctors trained in Cuba, Russia, China, Ukraine and other places would be given an opportunity to constitute the Medical brigade to meet the medical needs to areas most in need. 


Youth with architecture, engineering and other technical competences will constitute the build Africa brigade to voluntarily develop and construct various facilities across the continent to train and develop other youth across the continent. 

Africa is recognized as the nucleus of Arts and culture the world over: our rich and diverse cultural heritage makes it fertile for socio-economic empowerment of our people. 


Our shared values, strong cultural diversity and common heritage make our continent conducive for cultural renaissance and integration. 


The culture and Creative Arts Industry play a major role in contributing to the gross domestic product of states across the world; Africa cannot be left out of the massive socio-economic leverage it presents. We must harness this potential to the benefit of young people who are the key players in the industry. 


The PYU’s vision is to harness the Arts and cultural potential of Africa towards regional integration and advocacy for an inclusive and sustainable economic growth in Africa. 


We must use culture as a vehicle to promote economic and social development, Inspire African renaissance using arts and culture as a catalyst for development and integration. 


The PYU’s vision is to institute an annual African Youth Festival to celebrate African cultural diversity and also advocate for building strong, resilient, equal, inclusive societies and promote social cohesion based on our shared cultural heritage and history. 


The festival will be rotational by region and will include the African diaspora. Ours is a celebration of “UBUNTU”, an expression of love and a sense of identity.