Institutional Capacity Building and Development

The Pan African Youth Union vision is to develop a robust capacity building training mechanism for National Youth Councils across the African continent and make vital resources available.

The plan will see the Pan African Youth Union signing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with several reputable CSOs, Universities, development partners and youth development experts, to design and implement training manuals, course contents and funding modalities to ensure efficient and impact driven capacity development framework.


This Pillar is extremely crucial for the sustainability of National Youth Councils and professionalization of youth work among youth coordinating structures, YCSOs and young leaders in Africa.

Our goal as the PYU is to provide capacity training and technical assistance to NYCs and build them into formidable youth coordinating institutions to anchor youth development within member states.


This plan for institutional strengthening and capacity development will also equip NYCs/youth leaders with adequate information and skill to understand the Africa Youth Character and adopt the most efficient advocacy mechanisms. 

The goal is to design and develop a youth development resource for NYCs as a tool kit that promulgates coherence and harmony of youth policy advocacy.


This tool kit will aim to guide the energies of NYCs towards effective and meaningful engagements of young people in governance processes. It will also provide practical approaches that NYCs can use to strengthen institutional capacity and harness the power of youth to drive policy influencing and change.


This tool kit will serve as a vital technical resource for National Youth Councils to guide their work and operations.