Democracy, Good Governance, Political Participation, Inclusion and Engagement

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  • Democracy, Good Governance, Political Participation, Inclusion and Engagement

The Pan African Youth Union remains committed to the tenets of democratic practice and the consolidation of multi-party democracy, political participation and inclusion at all levels of governance in Africa.

Our programming and advocacy targets the effective mainstreaming of young people within political processes and amplifying the voices of the millions of youth across the continent. 

The core objective of the Pan African Youth Union is to provide a rallying platform for young people to find expression on all matters relative to governance, democracy and political participation. 

The Pan African Youth Union leverage on the political consciousness and broad base institutional capacity of the union and our member organizations to mobilize elections observer missions to countries conducting elective processes.

This program reinforces our commitment to free fare and transparent electoral processes on the continent and gives young people an opportunity to engage, monitor and evaluate the electoral procedure of countries across Africa. So far, the union has participated in electoral participation missions along with our member organizations in Congo DRC, Mali, Kenya, Angola and many more.

The vision is to expend the capacity of the PYU-EOM to cover all elections on the continent and give young leaders an opportunity to be involved in monitoring and observation of electoral processes across Africa.

The Pan African Youth Union plan to institute a peer review framework to evaluate the efficacy and functionality of youth development policies, youth mainstreaming policies and the level of involvement of youth groups within member states. This framework will also monitor and evaluate the performance of National Youth Councils, Youth Agencies and Youth Authorities based on an index developed by a technical committee I shall appoint to rank country specific performance and responsiveness.

The introduction of Annual Consultative Dialogues is to create an accountability platform to facilitate meaningful engagements with the membership of the Pan African Youth Union to account and solicit the views and opinions of member states of the modus operandi of the organization.

This we believe generates a sense of belongingness to the programming of the union.  Theses Consultative Dialogues help the union to set an agenda that resonates with the aspirations of youth and member states on the operations of the ecosystem.

The PYU will set up the Pan African Youth Union Civil Society Forum, as an auxiliary structure of the Union.

This is intended to scale-up engagements between the PYU and Youth Civil Society Organizations across the continent.

The goal is to generate constructive discussions and engagement between Civil Society organizations and the Pan African Youth Union, while strengthening working relationships between National Youth Councils.

This forum will serve as a vital think tank and an advisory platform for the PYU to tailor its programming, along the key recommendations generated from these interactions, this will guide our actions to deliver on the aspirations of young people from all the diverse backgrounds across the continent. 

The Pan African Youth Union agenda is to introduce thematic networks/working groups as rallying platforms for young people operating along key thematic areas. These networks and working groups encapsulate a mass base of youth groups and organizations to reflective inclusivity and African diversity, passion, skill and technical competence.

The introduction of these networks avails the opportunity for a more open and inclusive union. It also connects young people based on their interest and technical competence.

The Pan African Youth Union vision is to develop its application that will be known as the “PYU UBUNTU APP”. This App will essentially be a communication platform between National Youth Councils, Youth Civil Society Organizations, and diverse groups with the Pan African Youth Union. The app will also be interactive and an information sharing platform. The App will solve the lack of a robust database of youth organizations and provide a platform where youth groups can activate contact with the Pan African Youth Union and also validate their operations.

The Pan African Youth High level Dialogue series are policy dialogue sessions and solution incubation platforms. These dialogues serve as real thinking and solution finding places towards building the Africa we want.

These dialogues also serve as platforms for intergenerational interaction with policy makers and state authorities to scale-up and mainstream youth in the formulation and implementation of continental policy.

The PYU set up a specialized and technical committee to focus on marginalized groups, people with disability and ethnic minorities. The goal is to engage and include them in the operations of our organization and amplify the advocacy of the urgency for an equal and inclusive process at all levels of decision making. The PYU will also ensure that all its documentations are converted into Brail, Audio-visuals and all activities are disability sensitive to guarantee the full engagement, access and participation of all categories of youth.