Climate Action and Environmental Sustainability

The evident threat of Climate Change, environmental degradation and other climate related emergencies remain a huge change for the socio-economic development of the continent. This has occasion rising incidence of land related conflicts, challenges of food security and low quality of life.

The agenda to build a food sufficient Africa, an efficient African Land policy regime and a robust agri-business sector mainstreamed within an environmentally sustainable practice. 


The Third Project will focus on Youth Employability, skills development and migration, the huge challenge of illegal migration from Africa into Europe is a matter of grave concern. The real trigger for this exodus is economic, insecurity and poverty. The strategy is to rally our development partners, private Sector and Intergovernmental Organizations to mobilize resources both technical and logistical to start an intervention mechanism, this will include skills training for youth, Education and support services and advocacy to scale up youth employment policy among member states. 


I will also rally CSOs and other NGOs to initiate concrete measures towards community mobilization and engagement to generate workable home-grown solutions to these crises. 

The Pan African Youth Union will have an assertive voice on all major issues confronting our continent, especially the youth. The loud silence of the union on major developing issues such as The Land Policy, Peace, Security, Democracy, Corruption and Socio-economic issues is deeply troubling.  Our union can no longer be silent or indifferent on the real challenges affecting the continent. 


The Pan African Youth Union is a potent and representative voice of young people in Africa, we shall engage in dispassionate interrogations of all major events and present an uncompromising position on these issues in a fair, honest and legally acceptable manner. 


We will be an efficient watch dog and check mechanism for our governments, Africa Union and the Regional Economic Commissions.