About us

About us

The Pan African Youth Union was founded as the Pan African Youth Movement on 26th April 1962 in Guinea Conakry at the edging of Heads of States as a special purpose vehicle to mobilize young people towards the decolonization of Africa.

The movement played a strategic role to mobilize political support towards the independence of African states. After 40 years, the Pan African Youth Movement went through a massive reform and restructuring between 2003 to 2006. African Union Executive Council Decision EX.CL/Dec.292(IX) of 2006 endorsed the revitalization of the Pan African Youth Union as the Continental Youth Structure to coordinate the popularization and the appropriation of the African Youth Charter by all African Youth Organizations.

In 2009, after the first ordinary congress of the revitalized Pan African Youth Movement to the Pan African Youth Union, the Conference of African Youth Ministers met in Congo Brazzaville and further recognized the Pan-African Youth Union as the continental coordinating body for youth organizations and as the focal agency of the African Union on Youth matters. Which was further reaffirmed by the African Union Executive Council Decision EX.CL/Dec.468(XIV).

The Pan African Youth Union federates National Youth Councils and equivalent structures which are Article 12 institutions as prescribed by the African Youth Charter.

The Union continues to serve as a reliable platform uniting youth and amplifying voices of Africa’s young people on crucial issues of continental inclusion and meaningful systematic participation within the broader continental frameworks as per mandate.

The heritage, history and rich experience of the union and active its participation in all the struggles waged on the continent towards the liberation and transformation of the continent towards a democratic and inclusive dispensation.

The Pan African Youth Union continues to serve as a reliable platform for uniting youth and amplifying the voices of young people on crucial issues of inclusion, participation and systematic exclusion within the broader continental policy frameworks.

The Pan African Youth Union as a continental coordinating institution not only federates National Youth Councils and equivalent structures across the African continent but rally youth led and youth centered CSOs and regional platforms from the Regional Economic Commissions.

The PYU also works with the Ministries of Youth and other development partners in African countries.

The Union strives to support and reinforce the values and ideals of the African Union (AU) in fostering Unity, Peace, Democracy, Sustainable Development and African Integration since 1962, then known as Pan African Youth Movement (PYM).

The current Pan-African Youth Union (PYU) structure is the result of a deep and rigorous transformation and revitalization of the PYM with the core objective of adjusting to the evolving challenges that confront youth and those that cascaded from the post-colonial political scene and bearing in mind challenges of the future.

“Countrymen, the task ahead is great indeed, and heavy is the responsibility; and yet it is a noble and glorious challenge – a challenge which calls for the courage to dream, the courage to believe, the courage to dare, the courage to do, the courage to envision, the courage to fight, the courage to work, the courage to achieve – to achieve the highest excellencies and the fullest greatness of man.

Dare we ask for more in life?”

 – Kwame Nkrumah



The African Union  endorsed the revitalization of the Pan African  Youth Union  as a continental  youth  structure  to coordinate  the popularization  and appropriation  of the African Youth Charter by all African  youth organizations in Executive Council Decision  EX.CL/Dec.292(IX)


The African Union further recognizes the Pan African Youth Union as the continental coordinating body for youth organizations and as the focal agency of the African Union on youth matters in Executive Council Decision EX.CL/Dec.468 (XIV)

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Our History


2003-2006 Institutional Reform and Revitalization

2011-2012 Movement of PYU Headquarters from Algiers to Khartoum

2017 Third Ordinary Congress

2022 Movement of Headquarters to Morrocco

Founding of the Pan-African Youth Movement

2009 The First Ordinary Congress of PYU

2014 Second Ordinary Congress

2021 Fourth Ordinary Congress

Group Image
Our Impact

We have achieved great heights

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Team members
Awards Won
Happy Partners
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Database Contacts


The Pan African Youth Union headquarters is currently hosted by the Kingdom of Morocco in Rabat after an Agreement signed between the PYU and the government of Morocco on 11th November 2021 and affirmed by the 5th Ordinary congress in Niger.
The headquarters Secretariat coordinates the administrative and operational activities of the Pan African Youth Union led by the Secretary-General, while the President is the political head of the organization.


To mobilize Africa’s youth into a robust social change force, to build an integrated, prosperous and peaceful continent, capable of transforming Africa into a dynamic and resilient force in the international arena.


The Pan African Youth Union works to support and reinforce the values and ideals of the African Union (AU) mainly the fostering of Unity, Peace, Democracy, Sustainable Development and African Integration.

Core Values & Principles:

  • Participatory
  • Equality
  • Respect
  • Inclusiveness
  • Accountability and Transparency
  • Integrity


  1. Strive to inform, mobilize and build capacity of youths in Africa to be active players in the economic, social, political as well as cultural development processes in the continent.
  2. Champion and advance democratic development processes in Africa that do not seek to undermine or reverse the democratic dividends that we have earned as a continent.
  3. To ensure compliance and effective implementation of the African Youth Charter as well as other instruments developed by the African Union, particularly those in favor of youth.
  4. To serve as the interlocutor of the Regional Economic Communities of the African Union Commission and the Agencies of the United Nations as well as other partners for issues related to African youth, mainly in the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of national youth policies in Africa.
  5. To create synergy between African youth organizations in favor of the promotion, the popularization and the implementation of African Youth Charter.
  6. To strengthen and develop partnership with National, Regional and International NGOs and the African Civil society in conformity with PYU principles.
  7. To reinforce, diversify and consolidate international partnership and cooperation with the youth movement.
Our Structure

Structure of the Pan-African Youth Union






Our Partners

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