Southern Africa Region engagements: Engagement with First Lady of the Republic of Namibia

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  • Southern Africa Region engagements: Engagement with First Lady of the Republic of Namibia

Secretary General Ahmed Bening Wiisichong had an honor of being hosted for lunch by H.E Monica Geingob, First Lady of the Republic of Namibia (FLON) and chairperson of the African First Ladies forum.

Amongst the many key issues discussed was her support to developing and building the capacity of young female leaders within the political space in Africa.

We are pleased to inform that, H.E Monica Geingob (FLON) agreed to provide mentorship and support to the PYU in our capacity building and intergenerational dialogue programs. The intellect, experience, and depth of knowledge from FLON is simply heartwarming, and this knowledge sharing will tremendously impact positively on the capacity development agenda.

The African Youth development ecosystem will gain in leaps and bounds from her enormous capacity and experience.

We thank H.E. Monica Geingob (FLON) for her unyielding commitment to young people and being youthful at heart. We at the PYU look forward to our first activity.

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