Message from the President

Message from the Secretary General



The African Union  endorsed the revitalization of the Pan African  Youth Union  as a continental  youth  structure  to coordinate  the popularization  and appropriation  of the African Youth Charter by all African  youth organizations in Executive Council Decision  EX.CL/Dec.292(IX)

The African Union further recognizes the Pan African Youth Union as the continental coordinating body for youth organizations and as the focal agency of the African Union on youth matters in Executive Council Decision EX.CL/Dec.468 (XIV)

“We must become bigger than we have been; more courageous, greater in spirit, larger in outlook. we must become members of a new race, overcoming petty prejudice, owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations but to our fellow men within the human community”

 – Haile Selassie

20-24 July 2022

Rabat, Morocco

Consolidating Our Gains: Forging Partnerships Towards the African Renaissance Agenda
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What is a Working Group?:

These networks and working groups encapsulate a mass base of youth groups and organizations to reflective inclusivity and African diversity, passion, skill and technical competence.

The introduction of these networks avails the opportunity for a more open and inclusive union. It also connects young people based on their interest and technical competence.

About us

We are The Pan-African Youth Union, established on 26th April 1962.

As the Pan­-African Youth Movement in Guinea Conakry at the edging of Heads of States as a special purpose vehicle to mobilize young people towards the decolonization of Africa. 

The movement played a strategic role to mobilize political support towards the independence of African states.

Our Vision Our Mission Our Values

Mobilize Africa’s youth into a robust social change force, to build an integrated, prosperous and peaceful continent, capable of transforming Africa into a dynamic and resilient force in the international arena.

The Pan African Youth Union works to support and reinforce the values and ideals of the African Union (AU) mainly the fostering of Unity, Peace, Democracy, Sustainable Development and African Integration.

  • Participatory
  • Equality
  • Respect
  • Inclusiveness
  • Accountability and Transparency
  • Integrity

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Our Impact

We have achieved great heights

African Countries
Youth in Africa's population
0 %
African Regions Covered
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